"No Jargon, no BS but practical, easy to follow, positive and progressive. Kept my attention and made me feel excited and inspired."
Senior Director, LEGO
Layer 1

The LEGO Licensing and Extended Line division had an enormous amount of change to deal with – a brand new leader, a transformation in structure, new ways of working and a historically siloed organisation that needed to come together to build trust and a holistic vision for their 100 strong team.

We built relationships with each member of their 10 person leadership team and carefully crafted a 2 day agenda in partnership with the VP of LEL and head of HR too.

We invited them to a sensitively facilitated 2 day workshop. After much laughter and occasional tears this resulted in strong relationships, clear vision, new direction and motivation for the team. The resulting vision and strategy is now being rolled out through the organisation.

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